SeedRamp is a venture fund.
We give you cash to cover the next calendar month (up to $20k), you give us SAFE.
We make investment decisions instantly after a one-hour interview (FAQ).
We're on vacation now, not making any investments at the moment.
SeedRamp is a venture fund.
We give you cash to cover the next calendar month (up to $20k), you give us SAFE.
We make investment decisions instantly after a one-hour interview (FAQ).
We're on vacation now, not making any investments at the moment.
See full log of all our interviews.
Read this manifesto.
We are also trying to keep our profiles up to date at AngelList and CrunchBase. If any questions, don't hesitate to email.
© SeedRamp LLC., 2016-2019
555 Bryant St, Ste 470
Palo Alto, CA 94301